Online Bank Loan Syndication Process In India

Bank Loan Syndication

Application for bank loan must contain a project report, CMA data and projected financial statements with detailed information about the business.

Capital in the form of debt or equity in one of the fundamental requirements for starting, managing and growing a business.

In India, it is easy for most businesses to syndicate capital in the form of debt from Banks as banks have a strong mechanism for evaluating and disbursing funds. Further, banks contribute more capital to businesses in India more than Private Equity Funds or Angel Investors or Venture Capitalist, therefore it is important for all Entrepreneurs to know about the banking facilities available and avail them properly.

Bank Loan Syndication is the process of formulating a credit request, preparing a detailed project report along with the necessary documents, submitting the requests to banks or financial institutions and obtaining sanction & disbursement of credit facilities.